Wedding photography can be challenging, even to expert photographers, solely because it encompasses different styles. Portraiture, action shots, landscape, and travel photography are among the techniques utilized in this genre.

Professional wedding photographers are expected to incorporate a broad range of photography styles in their work. In light of this fact, it can be particularly tough for an upcoming photographer to cover their first few gigs. However, it is possible to get everything right, thanks to these curated tips from seasoned wedding photographers.

Know the Couple

You need to start by knowing your couple before embarking on any photography job. You should be able to conduct a background check on the couple during your first few meetings. Knowing them better goes a long way in helping you cover their wedding better.

Have a Shot Checklist

The decision to hire a wedding photographer is often inspired by the need to document an event for future references. Brides aspire to have everything immaculately documented in a way that allows them to relive those memories. Therefore, you need to pick up important details such as esteemed guests, entourage, happy moments, decor details, and preparations, and have them on your shot checklist.

Acquaint Yourself with the Program

It is crucial to have an idea of what you will be covering. You can easily understand this by familiarizing yourself with the program. This is particularly important when you are covering cultural weddings, which feature some rituals or special moments. It is part of your job to understand the schedule, so it would help if you got a copy of the program beforehand.

Bring in the Right Gear

Gear quality can make or break the event. As such, it is imperative to invest or bring in the best wedding photography gear. Having all the essentials will undoubtedly enhance your image quality and your ability to capture all the special moments. For starters, you need the best camera, a prime lens, an aperture zoom lens, an external flash, a telephoto lens, and a drone.

Work with a Team

A lot goes on at a wedding. It is understood that it is not practical for a single photographer to cover everything, primarily due to the need to multitask and the time constraints. Therefore, it is advisable to work with at least three team members to ensure that everything is well documented. You might also need a support team to handle your gear, which goes a long way in helping focus on the main job.

Be Authoritative and Professional

Having authority during a shoot comes with experience and confidence. However, always ensure that you are in control of the situation. Since you are paid anyway, you need to communicate respectfully to get the best photos. You also need to have an approachable demeanor.